A Review - Words of Radiance - Brandon Sanderson
I would like to start this review with a formal apology to Shallan Davar. I called you boring, I was not familiar with your game. I loved this book. I loved it even more than I loved The Way of Kings. With the world as we know it established in book one Brandon Sanderson sets about beginning to establish the recovery of a lost world we don’t understand. That is about as far as I can go with that before spoiling anything but as is the case with Way of Kings, this is beautifully and uniquely crafted, not just “built”. Character wise Dalinar is as brilliant as ever, but several characters such as Kaladin, Adolin and Shallan really see their development arcs kick on in this book. I can see which way the winds are blowing and I’m excited to set my sails along with it. It was also nice to see a couple of returning favourites make their way to Roshar from Warbreaker. The story is about as epic as epic can be and this is never more apparent than in the miniature crescendo’s laced throughout th...