An Indie Review - Deathless - Rob J Hayes

This is how you build a world. This is how you develop your lore and your history. This is just so, so good.

If you’ve been following any of what I spill mindlessly into the void of the internet then you’ll know I’m new to Rob’s work, and that I loved Demon. This is of en equal calibre whilst being completely different. Demon was a very obvious good vs bad narrative and I loved the book because of how strongly it made me feel things. Deathless however plays with the greys of morality and how easily people are willing to part with that morality when power is on the table. This book very much character driven, focusing more on the changes in Ertide Hostain than any clear story, though this book does set the story up wonderfully.

Once again Rob nails his characters in an impressively short period of time, particularly Moon who became really memorable in a short amount of airtime.

I will say is that this doesn’t feel like a full book, it feels like part of a book that realistically could be fleshed out into a single standalone novel and I got to the end immediately wanting more, though I understand the way Rob is wanting to release these and it does still work and I’m super excited to spend more time in this world. Rob has written two very different stories so far and I’m excited to see what Herald and the Godless Kings have in store for me.



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